Monday, February 20, 2012

Chinese Chicken has fat or protein?

I had this doubt for long. Why does chicken in chinese recipes tastes different from other cuisines. It is so tender. I am unable to decide if it is made of chicken breast or legs. Basically, I wanted to make sure that it doesn't compose of skin because it contains fat. Since I consume, I wanted to make sure that it contains more of protein and less of fat. Can anyone confirm.Chinese Chicken has fat or protein?

Chinese prefer to use chicken drumstick or chicken thigh to cook, cause the meat is more tender than chicken breast. If you want to make sure your chinese dishes to have skin, you can ask them to remove the skin when you are ordering.

To those idiot who still think that chinese eat cats, get a life. We chinese dont eat cat.
a little bit of both actually.

=]Chinese Chicken has fat or protein?
What kind of chicken.

How is it cooked?

What is CHINESE chicken.
All chicken contain fat AND protein, especially when it's cooked.

Chicken skin tastes different than the meat part. But you'll have to ask the chef which part of the chicken it's from.Chinese Chicken has fat or protein?
The ingredients:

One whole chicken

1 chunk of old ginger

2 teaspoons salt

1 stalk spring onion

The recipe:

Get a damn big pot, preferably clay pot,and dump every thing in. Cook until just almost edible( which means not edible yet but will be okay with another 2min in the pot ) Turn off the fire and leave the chicken for 5 min in the pot. Then prepare a basin of ice water and dump the chicken in quickly and take it out quickly. Cut it up.

The sauce(optional):

2 teaspoon chicken soup

some chopped up old ginger

some spring onion

dark soy sauce

Mix everything together

Second type of sauce

1/4 portion of black vinegar

3/4 portion of dark soy sauce

Mix it together

About the fats and protein, there is actually very little fats in the chicken meat itself there is a lot of protein. The skin is another thing. The top layer of the skin is healthy but turn the skin to the inside and you see this glittering oily layer, that is the fats. You can request for it to be get rid of. If you do it at home you can take away the fats yourself. Although the little bit of fats is not too bad, you can just eat it.

Not too often though...

Whenever you eat chicken your going to be eating both protein and some fat. The reason why some chinese chicken dishes taste different is all due to the seasoning and sauces. A lot of cantonese style sauces are oyster and soy based. Every culture has their own seasonings and sauces and your always going to be experiencing different tastes.

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